中文英文台語廣播詞( public announcement )朗讀練習

很多航空公司在面試時, 為了初步了解你的語文能力,發音,

會有廣播詞( public announcement )或短文朗讀

你可以試著唸唸看以下這段機上安全需知(sefety demo)文字,

你知道如何唸? 你的發音正確嗎?


To ensure your safety, we would like to remind you that no dangerous articles to be carried in your baggages and your cellular phone must be turned off at all times. Other electronic devices are prohibited only during take-off and landing.


During take off and landing, make sure your seat back and table are in upright position. Please keep your seltbelt fasten while seated. To release, simply undo the buckle.

If cabin pressure changes suddenly, oxygen masks will be automatically appeared above your head. Pull down the mask, and place it over your  nose and mouth. Tighten the straps and breathe normally. Put on your mask before assisting children.

This plane has 10 exits.  All are clearly marked with instructions. During an emergency and evacuation, leave carry-on baggage behind.  Take off high heel shoes.

A life vest is stored under your seat. First, put it over your head, pull the waist straps to the front and tighten it. Pull the nodes in front or automatic inflation. Inflate your vest only when you get to emergency exit.  For manual inflation, blow into the tubes at either side.

May we remind you, this is a non smoking flight. For your own safety, please do not smoke in the lavatory.  

Please observe the fasten seatbelt and no smoking signs.   Please refer to the safety information card. 

Thank you.   


再對照航空公司官方版中英台語- 長榮航空安全示範影片( safety demo),





fasten -  扣緊 ( t不發音)

prohibited  禁止

manual  手動

evacuation 逃生

lavatory  洗手間


更多航空英文, 英文會話課,請見http://dm.tilc.com.tw/flight-attendant/index.htm 







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